About Me
I've been on a spiritual and self-development path for 9 years exploring a variety of modalities including Yoga (200 hr Himalaya Valley 2016), Tantra, process work, 12 step, somatic therapy (Movement is Medicine 2023), breathwork, Shamanism (Earth Rites 2021-present), Vortex healing and meditation.
A former Education professional with an MA in Education (UCL 2014), I trained in Tao-Tantric healing work in Mantak Chia’s Tao Gardens (2017) and with Tantric Healing Therapy (2020). I qualified as a yoga teacher with Himalaya Yoga Valley (2016).
In my early 20's I was in an abusive relationship for 3 years. In my mid 20's, while living in China, I had unhealthy and compulsive behaviours.
In my early 30's I was in a damaging, criminal cult for 4 years.
Since leaving in 2022 I have become a cult whistelblower and am actively seeking accountability and justice for the cult, and systemic change in the yoga, tantra and wellness industries.
I cannot currently name the cult. Although their leader is now under arrest, they threatened to sue me for speaking to a group of students. They also held numerous 'meetings' about me where they played recordings of my voice (made under duress) without my consenst, named me in email to 100's of students, lied about and slandered me, and called me 'the next Amber Heard'. Being a whistleblower is hard and thankless, my only hope is that it will help others.
I want to see an end to the culture of manipulation, dependency and abuse that exists there. I hope to see significant changes to these in our lifetime. I want to share my knowledge and awareness with others to support them on thier own journey and to protect, inform and equip others so they don't go through what I did.
The human experience is unique for a reason. Life can be an awe-inspiring, joyful thing. The real truths are simple and it's actions not words that count. You can find your spirituality in the everyday.
Stope outsourcing your power and let your body, nature and your intuition connect you to your way.